What is a Green Burial?
A natural or “green” burial uses biodegradable containers
(including caskets, shrouds or a favorite blanket) and avoids embalming fluids
and vaults. The idea is to ensure the
burial site remains as natural as possible.
A green burial is a cremation alternative and alternative to
a “traditional” burial. It is a more
earth friendly option. And, contrary to
popular opinion, embalming, sealed caskets and concrete burial vaults are not
required by law. Instead, more traditional
memorial parks may require them but a green cemetery or what is sometimes
referred to as a memorial nature preserve, does not.
Many people do not realize that an environmentally friendly
burial in the ground is an option. By
using a natural burial, you are helping to preserve open spaces throughout the
United States. A green burial allows
nature to take its natural course – reunited our bodies with the earth, for
recycling into new life. You can include
native trees, shrubs and flowers to honor your loved one in a way that will
promote habitat restoration.
It is important to conserve our natural landscapes before
they disappear as a result of encroaching development. According to the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Report, from 1997 to 2001, more
than 2.2 million acres were lost to development. A green burial can reduce environmental
impact and help to preserve plants and wildlife, in their natural setting.
In Florida, your choice for a green burial is Prairie Creek
Conservation Cemetery, a not for profit organization, located in the heart of
North Central Florida near Paynes Prairie State Preserve. For more information, visit conservationburialinc.org.